OGC WMTS (Web MAP Tile Service) is a standard for web map;
but for different map vendor,they may use it vary from each other,especially for the non-mainstream vendor;for mainstream vendor,they list the readME document in the easy access website usually;
Follow the the readMe document,we can use the tile service easily with not that much time and effort;but for no-mainstream vendor,How can we do?
3.for example ,we get the server instance url:
when we access the url above in chrome explore,we get some information about the server capabilities information,like this:
the server url parse ENGINE parse the the above url to url:
so we get the capabilities information;
then we want to get the tile image buffer stream, HOW?
- for Tianditu WMTS,we get the instruction from ‘ http://lbs.tianditu.gov.cn/server/MapService.html ‘ ,
the example url is :
According the url above,we make the target url:
access them in chrome explore, Both ERROR;
add the token? no token;
access the original url in Arcgis pro 2.5;we get the tile stream and display normally;
WHY? perhaps the wrong target url;
How to get the right url;use fiddler (https://www.telerik.com/fiddler);
run fiddler,at the same time,refresh the target layer in Arcgis pro 2.5;
the fiddler get some useful information,in fiddler,pick the target line;
get :data_preparation/a12eadf6-1a57-43fe-9054-2e22277bd553/8c6a43c6-fa48-4f2b-9296-f2c02c4474a7/wmts/2CA54B6D242305ABF3822EC38D121CD9?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0&LAYER=img08&STYLE=default&FORMAT=tiles&TILEMATRIXSET=nativeTileMatrixSet&TILEMATRIX=4&TILEROW=2&TILECOL=12
append host site https://fxpc.mem.gov.cn/ ;
access the above url in chrome explore,OK, we get it,we get the tile image stream;