20. How to debug with add-dsym in AS

文章作者: cyclezone
版权声明: 本文为博主「cyclezone」的原创文章,采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明 cyclezone !

20. debug with add-dsym in AS

20.1 detail version

  1. Compile the codes and Debug the app;

  2. in Debug Tab,select app Tab,then select LLDB Tab;
    here we cannot attach the debug symbol;

  3. in left dock buttons, click the pause button to pause the program,then select LLDB Tab;

  4. in LLDB tab,attach the library symbols;just like:
    add-dsym E:/Qt/build/armeabi-v7a/qtbase/plugins/platforms/android/libqtforandroid.so
    if need to attach more than one library,call add-dsym one by one;

  5. when we have add the target libraries, we can see the information:

        ‘symbol file 'E:\Qt\build\armeabi-v7a\qtbase\plugins\platforms\android\libqtforandroid.so' 
        has been added to 
    6. in left dock buttons, click the resume button to resume the program;
    7. then contine to debug the program; 
    8. Step into the attached library;
    ## 20.2 short version
    1. Debug ---> app --->LLDB
    2. pause
    3. add-dsym 
    4. resume
    5. debug

    Executing commands in ‘D:\android\Android Studio\bin\lldb\shared\stl_printers\load_script’.
    (lldb) script import sys
    (lldb) script import os
    (lldb) script gala_available = os.environ.get(‘AS_GALA_PATH’) is not None
    (lldb) script exec(“if gala_available: sys.path.append(os.environ[‘AS_GALA_PATH’])”)
    (lldb) script exec(“if gala_available: import gdb”)
    (lldb) script exec(“if gala_available: import gdb.printing”)
    (lldb) script libstdcxx_printers_available = gala_available and (os.environ.get(‘AS_LIBSTDCXX_PRINTER_PATH’) is not None)
    (lldb) script exec(“if libstdcxx_printers_available: sys.path.append(os.environ[‘AS_LIBSTDCXX_PRINTER_PATH’])”)
    (lldb) script exec(“if libstdcxx_printers_available: import printers”)
    (lldb) script exec(“if libstdcxx_printers_available: printers.register_libstdcxx_printers(None)”)
    (lldb) script exec(“if lldb.debugger.GetCategory(‘libstdc++-v6’).IsValid(): lldb.debugger.GetCategory(‘gnu-libstdc++’).SetEnabled(False)”)
    (lldb) add-dsym E:/Qt/build/armeabi-v7a/qtbase/plugins/platforms/android/libqtforandroid.so
    symbol file ‘E:\Qt\build\armeabi-v7a\qtbase\plugins\platforms\android\libqtforandroid.so’ has been added to ‘C:\Users\Administrator.lldb\module_cache\remote-android.cache\9BBA21BF\libqtforandroid.so’
    (lldb) add-dsym E:/Qt/build/armeabi-v7a/qtbase/lib/libQt5Gui.so
    symbol file ‘E:\Qt\build\armeabi-v7a\qtbase\lib\libQt5Gui.so’ has been added to ‘C:\Users\Administrator.lldb\module_cache\remote-android.cache\8D29BD13\libQt5Gui.so’


文章作者: cyclezone
版权声明: 本文为博主「cyclezone」的原创文章,采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明 cyclezone !
